The conceptual groundwork that laid the foundations of Social Network Analysis (S.N.A.) was completed since the 1950's. In spite of this fact, it is just during the last fifteen years -thanks to the development of personal computing and some other technological advances- that this field of knowledge started to experiment a constant increase of interest from many institutions and scholars that devote themselves to the analysis of society.
The developments experienced by S.N.A., both in its conceptualization and its operation, have turned it into a very appealing field of knowledge for those that interest themselves in history: by providing a relatively simple analytical model, as well as a fair amount of tools, S.N.A. allows a convenient synthesis of the information from archival sources. It also permits to test hypotesis and stablish relationships at a conceptual level. S.N.A. makes possible to establish certain elements that allow the comparison of the economic and social structures betweeen societies of the past.
Within this page I have brought together a series of tools and articles that might interest historians, economists and sociologists that are interested in the application of S.N.A. for their own research.